Elevate Your Brand with Scent Marketing

Scent Marketing

Create a memorable and positive experience for your customers with our custom scent solutions. 
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What Is Scent Marketing?

Scent Marketing is a type of sensory marketing that targets the sense of smell.

Scent marketing involves more than simply distributing a nice scent. It is the art of generating a smell that magnifies a company's brand identity, marketing messaging, and target demographic. Scent marketing has the power to immediately alter behavior and evoke memories. When combined with other marketing cues, scent may enhance a brand's experience and establish a lasting bond with consumers.

What Statistics Say About Scent Marketing

  • Our sense of smell is the most powerful and emotionally connected of the five senses.
  • 75 percent of all emotions are triggered by smell.
  • We are one hundred times more likely to recall what we smell than what we see, hear, or touch.
  • There is a 40% increase in mood following exposure to pleasant odors.

How Does Our Scent Marketing Operate?

When we collaborate with a client to develop an original trademark scent for a company, the scent becomes an olfactory logo, a distinctive, recognizable, and potent component of the brand's intellectual property.
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Benefits Of Our  Scent Marketing

Attractive Marketing

When it comes to boosting customer behavior in terms of sentiment, appraisal, and inclination to return to a business or location with the purpose to make a purchase, ambient smell has the greatest influence.

High-Quality Ingredients

We employ components of the highest quality, which are based on essential oils with inert fragrances and may contain base and odor-neutralizing substances. We also produce custom scents.

Covers Any Sized Area

Our scent delivery systems employ superior diffusion technology that transforms liquid fragrance into a fine, dry mist and delivers it directly into the environment, and may be linked to HVAC/Air Con, wall mounted, or freestanding.

Explore Our Specially Formulated Fragrances

Our perfumes are uniquely created to stand out from the
crowd, generating distinctive and enticing fragrance for spaces of any size.